Tales of Berseria - Part 98: Perniya Cliffside Path, Along the Silent Shores

Part 1 | Part 2

Rokurou: "We'll just have to go there and see for ourselves. Which way is your village?"
Velvet: "It's far to the east through Morgana Woods."

Skit: Phi's curious about Aball. Eizen mentions it as "a fairly plain place...home to [...] hospitable folk."

The simple village in one go.

Phi wonders about Velvet's personality too. Magilou trolls Phi about Velvet's now "devious and rude" personality.

Eleanor and Phi make more on-the-nose assumptions about Velvet before she became a therion.

Magilou: "And now she's the Lord of Calamity." ☹

Magilou: "If she sees her former friends, maybe she'll remember of what she's lost."
Phi: "But what has she lost?"

We get our first battle in Eastgand with Wolf Berserkers! Then Cliff Orcs, who look like orcs dressed up as lumberjacks!

Blade Beaks are next! And Geo Rollers!

I see a geotree, but can't cross the ramp there because of the flowing water...

In the middle of crossing a small bridge, Rokurou asks Phi why Velvet was locked in the prison in Titania. Is it because she's a therion and she had to feed Innominat?

But Rokurou points out the earthpulse point, probably at those ruins. He thought it would've been easier to leave her there. Or maybe the Shepherd didn't want the villagers getting suspicious of Velvet?

Magilou tells us that Velvet devoured the village. Eleanor's wondering if that tale's true. It is...

But how did the Shepherd cover everything up in the past three years?

Magilou thinks flipping Eizen's coin might help. Not really.

Eizen asks why Velvet was shipped to Titania if she's the "first therion he created," and why he left her alive.

Eleanor realizes that the Shepherd was experimenting on Velvet to find out the contents of the tome. Oh my god...

So he tailored a "special [cell] for her in the island prison, where earthpulse point and malevolence met!"

So Velvet was used as a tool for the Shepherd.

Rokurou could imagine that possibility. Eleanor's in shock at the idea of the Shepherd using his own family for experimentation or as tools. First with Laphi as a sacrificial lamb, then with Velvet as a testing guinea pig. The Shepherd has fallen way far since Celica's death...

Eizen's speculating at this point. But I wouldn't be surprised either. It's still quite shocking, though.

Phi's also sad and asks why.

Magilou: "Perhaps that's just how badly he wants to save this world, or perhaps there's no other way it could be saved..."

Another skit: Phi's wondering if they're going to find ruins in Eastgand. Eleanor tells him there won't be much to discover. It's not in the Abbey's records as far as she knows.

Eleanor: "Eastgand has long been a frontier and civilization here was never really developed. Plus, the land to the east is said to be unstable, making it hard to build anything too large there."

Eizen mentions that the Eastgand's earth would've destroyed any structure. He reminds us again that not many people worshipped Empyreans before the Advent.

Rokurou thinks they'll find a "temple in the sky." Phi's brightening up at the idea!

Eleanor implies that's impossible.

Rokurou laughs, noting "flying temples are a bit far-fetched."

I survey around the landscape, walking the ford north.

We jump past large stones and head near a waterfall to grab something in a chest!

The code red daemon here's a skunk with a tail that has some emerald green spots and green-tipped tubes at the end of their tail...that's the Dangeroma!

The daemon's weak to fire, strong against wind, and can cast fire spells!

This code red daemon's a tough one!

I spot a Katz Box nearby!

I decide to run back to Taliesin to restock before moving forward!

After several battles, we make it to Morgana Woods, the Crimson Sea of Trees.

I wonder, did that fog lead us into the actual Eastgand?