Tales of Berseria - Part 126: Sailing For Sidequests

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

From reading the map, we can now collect a Blue Nor Doll in Haria Village...

We sail to Yseult first!

Everyone seems to be okay so far...

The Suppression's spread here too...

In the tavern, some people have resisted the suppression, at least. One informant tells us a venomized daemon has been spotted in Palamedes...

Then, a skit plays where Magilou and Velvet have more talk over a snack. Rokurou wants more daemons to fight...

Magilou: "To feed or not to feed? That is the question."

The venomized daemon is also on the Code Red list too: it's a Gluttony, or a daemon slime!

By the size of the bounty, it's not pretty tough!

One merchant in an inn thinks the suppression is another calamity. If he knew that the Abbey was behind this...

I warp to Haria Village. The place is sunny, but there's no one around anymore...

I find the blue nor doll on the ground behind the weapon stall...so we have a black, red, and now a blue doll...

A skit plays: Magilou wonders when a Turtlez will show up.

Velvet: "You mean the Turtlez is late because he's taking too much time getting a new design for his robe?"

Eizen writes letters to his sister as "apology" letters since he's not able to visit her.

Phi: "But you can't go home because of the Reaper's Curse, right? So why do you need to send letters and gifts?"
Eizen: "My sister wrote a letter. She said, 'I don't care if it's dangerous, I want to be with you.'"

So, ever since he became one of Aifread's pirates, he hasn't returned home. He's still thinking there's hope to undo the curse. But if even he did, he's found his home with Aifread's crew.

Eizen knows his sister's probably aware of that too.

Eizen: "She's smart and she's empathetic. That's why she never sends me a reply...I think she [also] doesn't reply as a way of showing that she disapproves."

Rokurou thinks those letters are to make up for Eizen not being there.

Velvet thinks they're making it harder on themselves and tells them why not face each other. Yikes, she's so direct...

Velvet: "At least the person you care about is still alive!"

I head for the reef next, where I meet a Katz. He wants us to fish up some fish for him. I read the rules.

There's also a Big One in every fishing area we can catch for a big reward!

I try my hand at some fishing attempts as an excuse to waste the fishing bait...and I eventually catch a Big One, or a Coral Colored Giant Oarfish!

Heading to the Palamedes Temple, the soldiers and malakhim are here...and the miasma's gone!

The venomized slime daemon probably ate up the malevolence and the daemons!

The slime daemon's also brought friends too, three, no five Slimes!

Velvet: "It's the daemon-eating daemon!"
Rokurou: "The more it eats, the more ferocious it gets, right?"

We win a Survivor's Ventite!

Velvet: "It devoured other daemons purely by instinct...sounds kind of like me, doesn't it?"
Magilou: "...when you're hungry, you eat."

Velvet: "It's fine... I don't really care if I'm seen as a bad guy." At least she's honest about herself.

Phi mentions that the daemon wanted to live...

Phi: "It was powerful and frightening, but I don't think it was bad."
Velvet: (smiles) "Figures." Oh Phi, he always sees the good in everyone.

I return to Lionel Island, where the entire crew's gathered looking at the sea...mourning their Captain... 😔

Everyone's laughing and drinking to their captain.

Rokurou: "This turned to be a pretty lively memorial."
Magilou: "To death, we are as equals. It comes to us all. There's no reason to treat it as something special." Yikes, Magilou's uncharacteristically somber...

Eizen agrees with her point.

Eizen: "Wherever we sail, death is lurking beneath the waves."

They have to be prepared for even the worst, Phi... ☹

Eleanor decides to give him a prayer, even though "he's the most terrible villain in a hundred years," according to Eizen.

Velvet suggests Eizen's friends.

Eizen makes a eulogy to Captain Aifread.

Eizen: "I was enriched by the days sailing with you than the centuries I roamed in search of something to end my curse. Thanks for the fun, Aifread."

I get an outfit for Eizen!

The coat and his undershirt are now red...and his metallic buttons are now golden...

I check around the marsh for anything I missed, even visiting the places where Teresa, Oscar, and Aifread passed away...

At Taliesin, some are affected by the suppression, others not so much...

It's the same at Reneed. Videl's still at a doctor getting a check up about his fever...

The pioneer and his son are fighting off the suppression...their stubborn wills are probably pushing it back.

Now for Islegand and Cadnix Isle...the people at the port are also affected. The ones who aren't are trying to wake their friends up.

I head into the mines, and go to the ravine, for more fishing and treasures! I catch a Pearl-Colored Arowana!

Now we're off to Northgand!