Tales of Berseria - Part 117: First Duel with Melchior

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Now back to where Magilou is...

Magilou's spent...malevolence is closing in on her...

Melchior comes.

Melchior: "How many times do you plan to destroy your heart and rebuild your own...Magilou?"

107 times she tried that!? 108!?

Magilou stumbles to get up...

Melchior: "Did I not tell you it would require an iron will, as indomitable as the very trees that live and die across millennia?"
Magilou: "Like you, I suppose...or that [malak] over there...?"
Melchior: "That is the foundation of an ideal world, one free from man's sins."

Melchior finishes her off...

Magilou's not done yet. She tells the malak next to him that his "companion" is alive.

Magilou: "Chasing a terrifying daemon girl, he has learned the immensity of the seas and weathered the dry wastes of the land. Those people, they're different from us...despite the pain, the anguish, they embrace the life they've been given! They live undaunted by the ugliness of the world!"

The malak reacts. Melchior tries to stop her!

Melchior does sound a bit like Drosselmeyer at this moment here...

Aside: In a way, so is Magilou.

Magilou admits her companions get in her skin...

Magilou: "That's why...I intend to see how all of this ends...I won't be satisfied until I do!"

Melchior calls Magilou "his greatest failure." Wow...*smh*

Magilou: "Gosh...funny just how little I care..." Owch...

Melchior prepares Magilou's unprepared finale...and...what the heck!?

Velvet and the gang's there. She smiles so joyously.

Velvet: "Let me guess... we came at a good time?"
Magilou: "You're late! Because of you, I had to have a really boring conversation."

Oh my god...yes!

Melchior: "So you came face-to-face with Innominat." And brought him down a few pegs.

Melchior: "If so, then you must know that your quest for revenge is utterly meaningless."

Velvet: "I know why sadness fills the world, and I know how deep are the burdens of sin. I tried to abandon my memories of Arthur...and Laphi, to cut myself off from it all, and end this tragedy. It's...it's what they would've wanted...but that's exactly why I can't forgive them...Not Artorius, not Innominat. I know my heart is ugly and full of contradictions. But those days we spent together [...] they're proof that I... that all of us... were truly alive. That's why no matter how hard, no matter how sad it gets... I will take my vengeance to the very end!"

She's back...she's truly back!

Melchior's not having it...it's the first time I've seen him lose his composure.

Velvet: "You take my family, turn me into a monster, and you want my soul too?"

She pulls out her arm...

Velvet: "Remember this well. The Lord of Calamity never gives up, not even in the face of death." She's comfortable with her moniker now...

Melchior keeps calling her names, asking her if "she has no shame for her sins" at all.

Magilou laughs all the way to the skies!

Magilou: "Let me in on this! I lost a bet and I've got some anger to work out!"

Velvet asks her if she's able to fight.

Magilou: (points) "Who do you think I am?...I am the [...] witch Magilou, scourge of self-righteous exorcists! Now face the wrath of Magilou Mayvin!"

The fight is on!

Magilou: "Everyone, sorry to have worried you!"
Velvet: "I wasn't."
Eizen: "Didn't realize you were someone who needed looking after."
Rokurou: "Me neither."
Eleanor: "This is our way of saying we trust you."
Phi: "Yeah."

Magilou's not the type to be pleased by the heartwarming talk...but she says, in her own way, she misses us...

Oh god, even in battle, Melchior can warp!

I have Rokurou take care of the malak.

Now for Melchior...

Now he's unleashed his Violet Storm! I better be careful of that one!

I switch to Velvet and with Magilou subbing in for Rokurou, we finish Melchior!

Velvet: "Tell Artorius and Innominat. They took something precious from me. I'll never forgive them for that."
Melchior: "The annals of history are stained with evil people like you. You spread havoc and destruction, all to satisfy your own ends, a dark font for malevolence. You're a daemon lord, the irredeemable embodiment of sin!"

Melchior does talk like a fundie...

Eizen asks Melchior where's Aifread...his teeth gritting like a pirate's, though his glasses offset that. Melchior's saying nothing.

Phi senses Innominat's presence!

Bienfu can't seal the rift!

Melchior summons his bodyguard: Aifread!

But Zaveid fires Siegfried, the blast kicking Melchior and Aifread back into the rift!

The rift's sealed.

Zaveid: "Carelessness will get you killed." It's about time!
Eizen: "You ruined the moment."

He walks toward him.

Zaveid: "Don't you mean, 'Thanks for saving us Zaveid, you're my hero and role model?'"

Phi smiles, and thanks him.

Zaveid tells us we're in Hexen Isle.

Velvet: "Is there a way out?"
Zaveid: "There is now I busted my way in."

Phi turns around, there's the lone malak, his "friend".

Zaveid approaches him and asks him to join the party, mentioning "scary" dragons.

Malak child: "Yeah. That sounds scary."

Eizen's like, "Do whatever you like."

Technically, we're at The Calix, Realm of Testing.

I save and stop here. Whoo, what a session!