Tales of Berseria - Part 106: Lancelot du Capalus

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

I go to the inn. A woman mentions "Bunny Bonanza Saturday."

Rokurou: "I've heard of this. You eat a hearty healthy meal of rabbit meat to help you get nice and strong." I don't eat rabbits. Rokurou is basically like Sokka when it comes to his meat diet. First sylphjays, then rabbits.

Phi's shocked!

The woman explains that on "the night of the third Saturday of every month, lonely people go to sleep hugging a rabbit."

Rokurou got confused with Rappig Roundup Saturday. The woman explains that Saturday.

Phi now pities the rappigs...

A pirate sitting on the sofa mentions a rumor about Vortigern. It was raided. By one daemon!?

Pirate: "He called himself Lancelot du Capalus and challenged one exorcist in particular to come try and fight him."
Eleanor: "That's Count Capalus's first name."

Velvet recalls the rumors back in Port Reneed...

Rokurou asks if the exorcist Lancelot wanted to challenge was Shigure. The pirate confirms it.

Rokurou: "That's the real Count. The Count is a prideful man. But when the Abbey stole his political power...his own former servant, Shigure, rose to legate, and suddenly outranked him." Wow...

So Rokurou's family served under the Capalus clan...

Magilou: "[...] if the Capaluses were the royal family's hidden dagger, the Rangetsu clan was its blade."

Eizen's thinking of allying Lancelot to their cause. Rokurou doubts it. He thinks Lancelot's probably too far gone...

We go to Reneed and go to Videl to give him the third ingredient.

He's not sitting on the bench.

I get more treasures here and go to Hidemi to get more fashion accessories.

Next, I take the long way to Vortigern, but I make a detour to Lothengrin...

I see a Katz there, along with new treasure: Spiked Shoes!

I talk to the Katz and play more Flag Fetcher, and realize what those stray wings does. If I press X, it gives me a speed boost!

After a few rounds of that, it's off to Vortigern...

The place is empty save for monsters at the front gate. I save before heading up to the Eastern Gate...

The giant gates are still open...

Here's Lancelot!

Lancelot: "I see you've come, Shigure."
Rokurou: "Count Capalus. It's been a long time." He kneels before his lord.

Count Capalus recognizes Rokurou. He tells him to leave.

Lancelot: "I want your brother, the traitor Shigure." So the heads of the Abbey's filled with traitors, huh? So Velvet's not the only one wanting revenge...

Rokurou tells him that he is the one that will take care of Shigure, telling him he was assigned with that task.

Lancelot brushes him aside, reminding him of his failure to stop Shigure last time. So Lancelot's the one that ordered Rokurou to be locked up in Titania...

Rokurou winces a bit at the insult Lancelot called him.

Lancelot: "Frankly, I don't need any Rangetsu to do my bidding any longer. Not with the power I've attained by devouring everyone in the entire manor..." Oh my god...

Magilou: "Welp, it looks like the only thing that got abducted was this guy's conscience."
Lancelot: "Remain there, Rokurou! Your lord commands you!"

So he's going to take care of Rokurou.

Eizen approaches, but Rokurou tells him to wait.

Phi asks what he's doing, but Rokurou gets up and steadfastly refuses. He pulls out his daggers.

Rokurou: "...Dying to you would make a mockery of the Rangetsu name. Turn your blade on me or my brother, and we won't hold back. Not even against an impotent lord." Ooooohhhh!

The fight is on!

What a tough fight, since he keeps defending a lot, and his Light Spear attack...oh my god...

Rokurou: "I'm sorry. I know you were hoping to negotiate an alliance."
Phi: "Don't worry. I don't think he's someone we could fight alongside."
Eizen: "Come on, Rokurou. You wanted to kill him from the very start, didn't you?"
Rokurou: "No. Well, maybe a little."

Magilou: "You're a scary guy when push comes to shove. Whatever happened to honoring your ancestral debt?"

Rokurou denies being hypocritical, as he made that vow to Count Capalus back when he was human. Now that he's a daemon, he could forfeit that...

He still owes his debt to Velvet since he made that vow after his malevolent transformation.

Eleanor asks Rokurou about what Count Capalus said about Shigure.

Rokurou will not tolerate anyone who mocks his family's best qualities...but he waves it away as "nonsense" as being similar to Count Capalus.

Eleanor disagrees with him on that being "nonsense."

Eleanor: "There are just some things a person can't surrender."

With that, I get my reward from a Bloodwing Agent back at Reneed, and I'm done for tonight!