Tales of Arise - Part 17: Fagan Ruins (Pages 2-5)

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Is this a mess hall of sorts? Or a music hall?

music stand

We find another barrier...


Iron Mask: "I hate that I can see what's on the other side, but I can't just walk in."
Shionne: "It's a defensive barrier, that's how it works. If we want to get through, we have to find the mechanism to lift it."

Iron Mask's line there is like me sometimes. I see an important item, but can't reach it, even though it's so close...

We disable the barrier, and cross onward.

Shionne mentions Fagan Ruins being a supply base 300 years ago.


"Great Conquest?" That was probably the first imperialist campaign the Renans did.

There's zeugles afoot here too.

The fork-and-knife icon on the right indicates the benefits from the camp food are still active.

We go east, and fight some more...

I see an unusual looking chest. The design looks like a Kodama at first glance.

West, more armadillos!

I hear some clinking-grinding sound. It's more zeugles on the second floor!

Seems I have to go around to get to the barrier on the other side...

Iron Mask's tired already...

tired iron mask

Iron Mask: "She’s really determined to find those clothes..."

From the map, it seems we have to go one floor to get to the other side of the place...

We now make it to the third floor...

Unfortunately, in one fight, Shionne gets KO'd! Dangit! I was saving these Life Bottles for later!

Around the corner, I find a gap to have Iron Mask fall through to the second floor, and avoiding armadillos, I pick up more herbs!

Ah, where is the panel to lower this barrier so I can get that red Kodama chest?

No choice but to go down again...

Iron Mask: "Whew...what a rush!"

Reading the help section, it turns out I get legit Game Overs when fighting bosses, but lose CP during regular fights.

Back up now, we find an elevator!


It's not working though...

...but it does!

There’s a way up to the Residential Quarter, but I explore around a bit more...

In one of the rooms, I find a panel disabling the second floor barrier.

The red Kodama chest had a Pierce Emblem inside!

gaping hole

Now that this area's clear, let's see what we can find in the sleeping quarters.

amazed you can pull this off


Iron Mask: "This must be..."
Shionne: "The former owner's old wardrobe, yeah."

She's swiping thru the touchscreen nearby to find a suitable outfit.

Renans don't use LCARS interfaces, it would be a hassle if that were the case.

Iron Mask complains about her wardrobe-consciousness, then he turns around...

shionne heels

He's in shock...

Aside: That screencap above was the first image I remember seeing while watching the trailer for this game.

noble scarlet

She even gave her rifle a touch-up too. Or is it a different weapon?

The rifle's indeed different. It's a Noble Rose, and what Shionne's wearing is a Noble Scarlet dress with a tiara...

Shionne's already perked up a bit from the change, too.

Hope there's no boss battle coming up...

Another skit: Fagan Ruins.

Nayth called it "a Renan castle," while it’s considered a "supply" fort. It's quite the fortress. Shionne's answer ("Who knows?") is an eyebrow-raiser.

Even Renans don't know that much, either. Shionne's already tired of explaining stuff at this point, hee.

Shionne: "Well, satisfied?" No.

We go back to the wastes...

Iron Mask asks Shionne if she wants to go back to town, and finally, we can fast travel in this game!

fast travel

After a few battles (even one with a Golem!), I stop here.