Tales of Arise - Part 15: Iglia Wastes

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We go forward, where Iron Mask's complaining about getting proper garb for Shionne, and notices...

lousy clothes

Shionne: "You should always assume there's zeugles anywhere you go. They're one of the reasons I need you all."

She underscores the fact that she's the one calling the shots. She mentions communication in battle is important.

I now get pointers on Boost Attacks in general, and both Iron Mask and Shionne's Boost Attacks...

Now I get into a tutorial battle!

I succeed in using their Boost powers twice before being set loose!

The new enemy in this fight is a Bee.

Shionne tells Iron Mask not to let the simple victory go to his head, and that's it!

Iron Mask suggets going to a higher point to see where they are...

After a battle, we do just that.

We collect a few nearby ingredients, and go higher.

Lucky day! We find more money!

what a view

What a view!

Shionne only cares about getting proper Renan clothes to wear in that ruin...

Iron Mask wonders why she's appearance-conscious. Maybe she comes from royalty?

Back down, more Potato collecting!

And we run into more Bees! Wish the devs would call these enemies Wasps instead...

I check the map, and we've a long way to go...

I turn west to the end of a canyon, and find more gems, avoiding the nearby enemies.

Up north now, where we see Wolves in the distance. After getting another Apple Gel, we turn up to the cliff, where we find another one, and more buzzers...

Their banter when Shionne healed Iron Mask made me chuckle a bit...

I'm tempted to heal Iron Mask with a Gel, but I pass and use an arte.

My lord, there's a lot of potatoes and wheat here!

Downhill, we see a way leading to some narrows, guarded by more buzzers...and Iron Mask finally learns Demon Fang!

Before that battle ends, Iron Mask compliments Shionne's marksmanship...

I get a popup pointer on Arte Proficiency. In other words, characters get to learn a new arte if they master one type of arte a certain number of times.

Speaking of which, when will Iron Mask learn Flame Strike artes?

At the end of the narrows, we pick up another herb and use it!

Let's see what's on the southwest side of these wastes...

Avoiding the Wolves, we see a boulder in the way...

mean zeugles

Up a long set of vines, we see another good long look at the castle beyond...

castle night view

Ah, more buzzers, and they brought in a Wolf to help!

Uphill now, and looks like we found an owl!

owl found

Our reward is Spotted Cat Ears. I hope there's a prize for finding all of them in-game...

I notice a large patch of land on the map. Unfortunately, the vine going up to it is withered...

I scour the west area, near the ruined pillars.

ruined pillars

Now east, and we finally catch a campfire break.