Alundra - Part 52: The Underground Waterway

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

The music for the Waterway here is the same as the Reptile Lair.

I hear something that sounds like drums.

I use the Spring Bean to cross further up the waterfall.

There are two whirlpools flanking a small piece of land on the waterfall.

The drumbeat sounds turn out to be logs being destroyed by the whirlpools.

I fall into the whirlpools, which take me back to the bottom of the waterway.

I try to climb up the waterway again.

Aw, dangit, I fell into the water again!

There's a treasure chest located east of the rightmost waterfall at the top, which I fail to reach, so I swim east.

Four logs from four different waterfalls float down. Two of them go west, the last two head east.

The current pushes me down another waterfall, where two spiked balls, big and small, are waiting. Whirlpools are also there farther down the water, in corners, waiting to suck me in.

I willingly go in, back to the start...

These jumps are very trick! One wrongly timed jump, and its the water, and back to the entrance!

I manage in some of my tries to get on a log while it headed downstream.

The log I manage to land on is the fourth one, but one of the spiked balls pushes me down!

After lots of struggling in the log crossing, I make it to an area where a pair of crates are. I throw one of them at the vertical lever up north, which changed the waterfalls near the switch!

The waterfall there has split into four small waterfalls, no, into a shallow six step staircase!

I go north, where four stepping stones lay, a tunnel forward, and a stray waterfall is! More logs from that waterfall tumble downstream.

I swim downstream, avoiding another whirlpool at the west end. Near it is solid land with a crate and a chest.

The water currents here are making it hard to move!

I head back to the upper north passage, jump on the stones, and cross on a log, leading me to the crate and chest, which has herbs inside.

I swim south past the whirlpool, crossing on to shallows, and head to the left fork, and another right until I see a moving platform.

I head south to a passage, where I pass a waterfall, and keep on moving despite the waterway's strong currents.

At the end, a set of red-eyed tumbling stone faces are there, and they come to life!

They're grinning, and one of them explodes near me!

I move southwards, as I swim down past a waterfall, the current making the way down faster. The wall of the bridge prevents me from heading further downstream. I swim east, where a chest is perched on a high ledge!

I come ashore and try to get the prize, but after a few tries, I head west, break some stray crates, move north, and press on a switch there.

The switch opens a passage further north. I go in.

As I jump up the steps, I find one of the tiny goblins jumping around!

His attacks are super fast! Two hits takes care of him though.

I use another log to cross over to the other side of the waterfall and take care of more goblins!

I head upwards and eastwards into another passage.

A pump lies ahead of me, with four goblins willing to defends the "heart" of the waterway.

After taking care of them, I destroy the pump, leading to "the sounds of gurgling water in the distance."

I drop down into the waterfall, leading me down to the chest on the high ledge! I miss the landing and end up diving into the water!

I head back up the passage to get the chest.

On the way, I head behind another waterfall, where I'm now in a room with a chest perched on another high ledge!

I grab the rock as a stepping stone and get a Wonder Essence as a prize!

I go back and head to the pump, and after taking care of the four goblins again, I jump down in the middle to get a Gilded Falcon inside the chest.

I look at the waterfall below me. Oh lordy, that's a steep drop!

I head back to the entrance, and go to the northern passage.

Inside are four spiked balls, more jumping platforms, a chest on a high ledge in the upper right corner of the room, and a tunnel forward.

Since it's impossible to get this chest now, (I read the guide at this part and it said I needed the water to swim to it, and I destroyed the pump that filled it!) I head forward.

I'm now near a corridor of stairs on my right, and oh my god! A spiked ball trap drops down, and lunges towards the wall!

After easily eluding another flight of stairs with these traps, I'm now in front of a pool of water with a set of two spiked balls, where the small one rolls around the big one.

I swim north, and am now outside the area of Nirude's Lair, or the Inspiration Point.

I head back, knowing there's one chest I forgot to fetch, on the right of the four waterfalls at the entrance!

With hard grit and quick log leaping skills, I make it to the chest, which has...a Life Vessel!!! Y e s!!!

Here's the map for the waterway, though it looks huge, it's surprisingly short.