Alundra - Part 27: More Coastal Cave

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

I check the locked door again, and go back, hitting the vertical lever.

The switch opens the western passage.

More orcs and circling spiked balls, how fun!

I get a chest from the far end of the room on a small ledge, containing a Gilded Falcon!

More jar smashing and column breaking!

I go to the eastern passage, where I'm greeted by more circling balls and rock turtle, alongside actual rocks that look like rock turtle shells!

I have to make sure the metal balls are at a certain point before I use it as a platform to jump over to the higher ledge...

After so many painful, missed attempts, we finally make it!

The next chamber has deep water, with spiked balls on the water again!

I see a chest and reach it by going to the shore on the other end, jumping on logs and stones to make it there!

Poor Alundra gets hurt a lot in this area here!

Because of a wide gap between the dock I'm on and the dock on the treasure chest, I use a stray log from the shore in the south end to fill the watery gap, and make it through! The chest contains a Wonder Essence!

I head right, where more orcs make their territory!

I scout the water-filled part of the area, where there are more spiked balls, logs, small wooden docks, and a set of square blocks on the piece of land at the eastern end!

I double back to reset the room, and use the jars at the edge of the shore to jump to the next dock.

Now I have to jump diagonally to carry this stray log across.

A few tries later, I make it, and smash the square blocks surrounding the chest, containing a key.

Three spiked balls keep hitting me as I head back! I swear, this game, or this cove, does have a thing for them!

After recovering and saving near the old prison again, I open the locked door southwards.

Two chests are behind bars: a Strength Eliyxr and a Life Vessel!!!

Since I already have an Eliyxr, I can't take it!

Now I head downstairs to a long hall, where a boulder is on a platform. I press the switch north of it...

Boulder chase!!!

On the other end of the hall, I see another switch on a high ledge and a fancy block blocking the way right. One big spiked ball is moving above for some reason. There are also ledges north of it.

These gaps between these ledges are now getting wider!

I realize what I have to do with these boulders! I jump on them while they roll and use their height to reach the switch!

I go down more steps to a large lake of dark, shallow water.

"Thief! Infidel! You shall regret the mere thought of defiling this sacred ground! Now regret shall consume your thoughts as your soul is bled of what life remains in it!"

Oh god, another boss battle, and its a disembodied blue eyed moaning face in the water!

A watery hand just came out of the lake! What is this boss?

The boss now rises out of the water, which looks like some three-faced watery blob! It's hard to describe!

It also shoots blobby bubbles too!

Oh my god, more hands come out of the water!

I use up a Wonder Essence!

I now put the sword and Earth magic to good use here!

(In Austin Powers voice) Why won't you die!?!!

Now I'm really dead!

This game may be a Zelda clone, but it definitely is a hard one!

I pick "continue" and I'm now back at the last save point. After getting the Life Vessel again from the chest, I save and continue onwards.

I check my items again, just where they were...

I face the boss again with his spiel of thievery and threats.

I use the sword and its charging power to bring more damage to the boss!

Yes, I got him! I watch the fireworks. The boss's name, according to the prompt, is the Watcher in the Water! (Another Lord of the Rings reference?)

Someone calls out to Alundra as the Releaser: It's Vul, another wizard and one of the seven guardians!

He tells me not to take the Murgg or their threats lightly, as they have stolen a Crest in this cave! Boooo!

Vul offers us a Water Scroll as a consolation prize though.

Two chests drop, the one on the right is open, probably the Crest I was supposed to get...

The left chest contains the Water Scroll!!!

Vul offers a teleporter back to the entrance, but I refuse since there's chests I missed!

The water magic is just three whirlpools spinning around Alundra!

I pick up the remaining chests, which are the Strength Eliyxr and herbs and leave this cave!

Nava's back to his grumpy self and I return to the village and save.

That was a long dungeon, and I'm betting there are more harder and longer ones than this one...

Here's the map for the Coastal Cave.