Alundra - Part 20: The Master of the Keep

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

I go back to the main hall and head to the western room, where I notice a room with a fireball-throwing statues and a chest full of herbs.

I take the goods and finally speak to the skeleton before the throne.

"Releaser, follow the path of true righteousness and you shall not be left wanting!" He explodes into dust, and the throne descends, and I jump down...

Oh my god! There's a lot of spikes in this chamber!

A platform moving clockwise and four levers are the only things that are not spikes here.

To the east there's a big block in the way. I pull, or use the flail to hit the four switches, but they were too low. I use the bombs to pull them, and the block lifts to reveal a passage forward.

More coarse, rough, irritating sand in the next room!

I press the switch in the center of the room, only to reveal more worms!

After the worms were finished, I move forward.

Now this room is filled with mummy giants and a stone-on-tile puzzle again! Except this puzzle is different, as the floor panels are now flashing different symbols!

With some care, I oust the mummy giants!

With extra care, I look at the patterns carefully before throwing the stone on its tile.

The block vanishes, revealing a set of stairs going down.

When will this dungeon end?

I'm now in a room of more spikes and mummy giants!

I move counter-clockwise and read a sign, saying, "The great sun's gaze is held fast by his shimmering reflection in the water. Turning away with regret, he casts a glance upward at the starry sky, where brother moon resides."

After taking care of the last mummy giant, the four stones drop!

There's a certain order to placing these stones...

I finally got it, after a bit more guide help! I found out that the stones need to be stacked on top of each other in this order: teardrop, sun, moon, and star. This puzzle is not a good one, imo.

I'm now in a chamber full of sand with a hole ahead of me, and a part of mummy golem buried in sand at the center of the room.

The west door's locked! Time for another boss battle! I recover with an herb and speak to the golem...except nothing happens!

I fall down one of the holes.

More stone-on-tile puzzles again!

After completing the puzzle, more shaking's going on...

I warp out of the chamber, and fall into the east hole. The west hole is now buried in sand.

The same puzzle again, only this time, the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) are reversed!

I do the same thing like in the first hole now!

The sand level has now sunk and I can now speak to the golem!

Now the real boss battle begins!

The battle feels a bit easier than last time though!

I defeated the Shrine Protector!

Aaaaaaaaaaaahahhhfhfhshdgksdghjkslhjgshlkghjg;klasl;riwuruhgjbanvkq34jfwdiogiohwjkvashdjakaksdgjksdhgskhjdghjksg! More puzzles!!!

It's the same puzzle with four crevices, a lever, and four press switches this time! After using two barrels to hit two switches, I press the third and fourth ones at the same time by accident!

I go forward, where a maze awaits me!

I head downstairs where more mummy giants await!

After taking out my frustrations of these endless puzzles on the mummy giants, I head back up and go through the maze. There are switches which lift the blocks in the maze temporarily, as well as huge holes. Hmmmm, I wonder why they're there?

After pressing the fifth switch (and after calming down a bit), the block leading to the next room lifts.

I see a lot of people kneeling in prayer.

There's now a king in front of a throne, waiting for me.

King: "You have proven your courage in coming here, Releaser. Courage alone shall not end in salvation. You must also be a strong warrior. You shall face a test of strength, Releaser. I pray that you are strong enough to succeed!"

The king lifts his wand and the prayer people turn into mummy giants!

I beat the mummy giants, then a flash of white...

The king turns back into a skeleton, and considers me worthy of this power, and vanishes.

Three treasures drop as prizes!

I get some Long Boots, which helps me walk in sand easier!

The left chest has a Sword which has a charge option! Since this was a Zelda clone, and since this game was released a year before Ocarina of Time came out, doesn't that mean Nintendo borrowed this sword-charging feature? Or did this game borrow it from Zelda?

The rightmost chest has another Life Vessel!!! My health is now maxed at 17!!

I head east to a corridor where I use the teleporter, warping me back to the desert!