Super Mario RPG - Part 8: Bandit's Way

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Now heading to Bandit's Way...

bandits way

I see the crocodile thief, and Mallow whispers that this is our chance to take his ill-gotten loot!

Unfortunately, Croco sees us and runs off!

Now the monsters are here are chasing us! I jump on one Goomba and the battle begins!


That's a huge reptile!

Unfortunately, Mallow took a lot of damage from the creature!

I heal Mallow with the Mushroom! Mallow even says "Thank you!"

We also get a freebie in that battle, a Mushroom, I think.

I wander a bit down south and to the west, where I see another save block! I save my progress there.

I then make a detour back to the shopkeeper in the Mushroom Kingdom and buy a pair of Pants for Mallow to increase their defense!

In the next area, Croco taunts us as "non-jumpers" and jumps out of our sight!

croco jump taunt

We jump on the spinning flower and make it past the ledge!

We fall into another battle, with a pair of K-9s...

Afterwards, I jump on the yellow platforms to head to the ledge on the other side!

We catch up to Croco and he runs off!

During a battle with three Goombas, I use Mallow's special ability out of curiosity...

Holy heck!

We now chase after Croco who's on top of yellow platforms, trying to get more treasure!

croco chest

Croco says that the chest isn't worth our time! Oh really?

I use the platforms to get the chest, which has a Star!!!

I use the Star to plow through the K-9s!

Now Croco's cornered, but he runs off and hides!

Mallow suggests trying to sneak up from behind and catch him!

Almost caught Croco, but he's a quick one!

He's still taunting us!

We finally catch up to the slippery croc!

eyes fast

But he taunts us again, saying that it'll take a century to catch him, and he runs off...

Eventually, we catch him twice! He tries to taunt us, but this time, Mallow sneaks up behind him!

Croco then gives up and gives back the coin...not!

I knew he wasn't going to give that coin up without a fight...

Boss fight!

battle vs croco

This guy hits hard!

He lobs one of his bombs at us! It hits Mario for massive damage!!

Mallow's now out of the battle... 😦

Oh my god, this guy's healing himself!

After a few turns, I die again!

Croco's a tough boss!

I recover from the last place I saved at, which is at the beginning of Bandit's Way.

Looks like I'll have to level grind a bit before taking him on again...

I wonder what Frogog, the huge reptile, is shooting Mario with...

Mario levels up to Level 3!

level up

Mario learned a new skill! He can now shoot fireballs!

I upgrade his health!

After another battle, Mallow levels up and learns a new skill: HP Rain!

I upgrade Mallow's attack and defense stats, save, and do more grinding while chasing Croco again!

In one of the battles, I get an "ATTACK UP!" flower for Mario!

Along with Honey Syrup in a bout with three Spikies!

I get a "ONCE AGAIN!" flower for Mario in another bout, giving him another turn!

On my way to fight Croco, I discover another chest in the same area where I found the Star! The chest has a flower, upgrading my FP!

I go into the menu, and I notice that I have a Flower Jar! I use it up.

After leveling both Mario and Mallow up to 4, I decide to head back to get more items.

I head back to Bandit's Way and save after stocking up.