Super Mario RPG - Part 79: The Final Room

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

I'm going to have to try another door this time to see if it's any easier there...

Door #2 is another puzzle room with our good friend, Dr. Topper!

Let's see what puzzle he has under his sleeve!

quiz time

A quiz, huh?

I let him go over the rules.

He gives out 12 random questions. If I'm right on one, the platform Mario's on raises by one level, and if I'm wrong, Mario goes down two levels, and I have to answer in 5 secs. If I don't make it in time, Mario goes down one level. If Mario makes it to the 8th level, I win!

Quiz time!

Unfortunately, I fail at the quiz and Mario's back to the doors...

Who the heck is Carroboscis? I seem to have forgotten a lot about the game so far now...

I try again...

And again...

And a fourth time!

I finally make it and Dr. Topper gives us a boost to the next door...

In the next room, there's a pile of barrels in the corner opposite where Dr. Topper is...

Dr. Topper: "Heh...let's see how well you can count. Give ya ten seconds...tell me the number of barrels in the room!"

I cheat a bit by looking at the pile before ending the text window...

But he tells us to close our eyes...and we have 10 seconds before we answer!

I answer right on the first try, but it was a "warm up!" Oh my god...

A yellow platform pushes Mario up to the next chamber where Dr. Topper gives us 20 seconds to guess the number of barrels in the next pile!

I lose count, and after three seconds, I'm back at the doors again... ☹

I fail at the quiz again too...

But I try once more!

I ace the quiz and barrel counting. Now what's next?

Dr. Topper's there barring the door forward, with some little helpers on the side: a Boo, a Goomba, a Dry Bones, and a Cheep Cheep...

somethign completely different

Aside from the Monty Python reference, what does he have to offer?

Now it's a logic puzzle...

I listen to Dr. Topper's problem, which he says once:

Boo, Goo, Bones, and Kipp competed in a triathlon. The triathlon included swimming, cycling, and a marathon.

I have to guess who came in what position in the triathlon.

I ask Boo: 3rd for swimming.

Goo: Same in swimming and cycling, but 2 others beat him in marathon.

Bones: Outrode Kipp in cycling, and Kipp never went past him.

Kipp: Fell in 4th place during cycling, but ended in the same place as he did in swimming.

This is going to take a lot of thinking...

I guess that Kipp was 1st in swimming, Goo in 2nd, Boo 3rd, Bones 4th.

In cycling: Kipp 4th, Goo 2nd, Boo 3rd, and Bones 1st.

In marathon: Goo 3rd, Bones 1st, Kipp 2nd, and Boo 4th.

So the final tally is: Bones, Kipp, Goo, and Boo!

I'm right! I proceed to get my final prize!

rock candy prize

Now all that's left is to face the giant sword, and this game will be over...

I have Mario turn the corner, where there's no floor...uh oh...

mario looks down

He falls a small distance, where a save block and the door forward is...

I save at this point and open the doors.