Super Mario RPG - Part 57: Land's End

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Mokura | Part 7

lands end world map

All right, into the wild Land's End I go!

This time, I have the old trio as my active party: Mario, Mallow, and Geno.

At the entrance is a save block which I use immediately!


There is also a cannon on a small plateau, and it can take me anywhere depending on its position...

I aim it at the yellow platform!

But, I fall down trying to get to the other side...

This place should be called Cannon Land, or Cannon Cliffs, for the alliteration.

The second cannon, however, doesn't have enough force to push us to the top of the cliff...

But, on the second try, with some leaping power from Mario, we land bullseye at a pit! Large mice monsters, or Chows, come out from the pit!

I face a Chow, and an Octovader...

My god, Geno's Rocket Punch looks pretty powerful!

The next troops to face us are a Chow and a Shogun!

The Chow poisons Geno!

The Shogun performs a Carni-kiss, which does heavy damage!

Chow howls at Geno, but it has no effect, because it's Geno!

Into the next area, where there are moving cannons (their heads keep moving and launching) and tons of orange geckos, or Geckits, along with large tarantula creatures, or Spinthras!

Spinthras are also poisoners like Chows too...and they deal heavy damage! Lucky Mario's wearing a ring that prevents him from getting poisoned!

The Geckit's an easily confused monster...

While trying to get up to the cliff, I step on one of the moving cannons, which caused the earlier encounter with the Geckit, pushing Mario to the cliff, and knocking him out!

Land's End is a really tough place...

So the moving cannons are the ones firing the Geckits! Or rather, the Geckits leap onto the cannons and the cannons launch them to the cliffs!

I go back to the first cannon, the still one, and launch Mario at the cliff! But, I accidentally aim the cannon at the edge of the mountain!

mario no land

Like in those old cartoons, it takes a while for Mario to realize he's not on standing on anything!

He dashes back to the cannon instead of falling, though!

So I lean left on my control pad to push Mario back up to the cliff!

After three more battles with Geckits, and more monsters such as Chewys (Piranha Plants), and a Shy Away (a Shy Guy with wings), I make it!

It's also one of the first times I use Geno Boost, which boosts the target's attack!

Mario also makes it to level 14! And he learns another new move!

ultra jump

Mallow also levels up, and learns a new move too: Snowy!

I increase both their physical attack and defense power!

In the next area now, and it's no longer rocky anymore!

I save at the next block nearby and jump on the spinning pink flower...

...but not before getting into another battle (aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!! More battles!!!) with a Stinger and a Fink Flower!

I walk over to the next area, where there are two tall cliffs, and high platforms connecting them. There's also that hooded shopkeeper on top of the east cliff!

tall cliff

I turn back, trying to avoid the Stingers on the climb up.

I get into another battle, and use Mallow's Snowy spell for the first time! The attack blows a big blizzard, and forms a big snowman that hits all enemies!

After the battle, Bowser gains a level! I boost his physical stats!

I now make it down to where the shopkeeper is. He mentions the platforms are the Sky Bridge. I have Mario shake his head no when he offers a "challenge" on the Bridge...

I change my mind and have Mario accept the challenge.

I can choose to cross the Sky Bridge by one out of three courses, according to the shopkeeper, but if I fall, it's over!

There's a Normal and a Special course, where the second one has a time limit!

Each course has their own prize. The Normal one wins us 5 coins, while the Special has 8 coins.

The Expert course has a different path, but with the added challenges of the Special! But, we get a Frog Coin as a reward if we ace that one.

So our object is to make it to the other side while avoiding Bullet Bills...

I take the Normal course for practice, and for curiosity's sake.

With ease, I make it to the other side, where the shopkeeper gives me the option of doubling my winnings, but with a harder course!

I have Mario refuse and win back the five coins I paid to take up the course!

In the next area, I land down on sand dunes, where a Rat Funk, a friendly one, asks us if we're headed to Monstro Town.

That's probably the town with the reformed enemies that the Elder back at Seaside was talking about.

rat funk friend

I have Mario say yes.

He gives us advice on how to get there...

ant sand whirlpool

So all we have to do is to get into a sand whirpool where an ant is, and follow it down, which will take us underground, take a corner, and Monstro Town's there!

The Rat Funk leaves...

After saving, I head out to find that ant...

I get into one of the quicksand whirlpools, and get into a battle with Shoguns! They're weak against ice spells, or in this case, Mallow's Snowy spell!

I have Mario fall immediately into one of the sand whirlpools...which take us to an area we've went to before...

After fighting another set of Shoguns and sinking on their whirlpool, we're at another different area this time!

blue wisp

There's some sort of blue wisp flying above Mario...I have Mario chase after the blue wisp, but it's too fast and too high!

Trucking onward...

On the way, Geno levels up, and learns another move: Geno Blast!

Peach levels up too!

I increase their maximum health!

After falling into the third whirlpool, and turning at a corner, we now stand before a very high cliff, where our Rat Funk friend is! The cliff's too high for him to climb, so he heads off to Monstro Town...

climb here

I have Mario take the climb up!

Unfortunately, Mario can't get a grip on the cliff's walls, so I head back to the sands, finding Monstro Town...

I use Geno Blast for the first time! It's an array of beams hitting all enemies!

After that battle, I sink into the whirlpool, where I'm now underground!

I save before hitting the chest block in the cavern below, which contains a Star!

I manage to clear out one area of monsters before the Star's power fades...

Avoiding the stack of Chows, I have Mario go around them, and jump down into the hole below...

...where I land near a den of Geckits!

Jumping past a stack of crates west, a shopkeeper offers a Star for 400 coints! That's too much! He vanishes...

With careful jumps and cautious steps, I cross into the tunnel...

...leading to a golden-bricked temple, belonging to Belome!

belome entrance

The shopkeeper's there, on a bounce pad, and asks for 100 coins if we want to get back to the surface...

I think long and hard before making this decision...I say yes.

I have Mario jump on the bouncepad, and we're now back at the surface...I use the whirlpools to head back...

After reading the map for this area, it seems like I've missed a lot of treasures here!

I save at the entrance of the dunes, and bounce back up to Sky Bridge!

I fall down to the bottom!

Thank goodness another hooded shopkeeper offers us a lift up to the cliff! I have Mario refuse and head back an area.

As I try to get some hidden treasures, I get into another battle, where a Stinger uses a Funguspike, turning Geno into a mushroom!

The benefit of being turned into a mushroom is that he recovers health!

I manage to find a Frog Coin in a hidden chest block, but I land myself into another battle!

Mario and Mallow level up, where I boost their magical stats!

Now to get back to finding those hidden items...

I also learn that when alone, Octovader can attack twice!

There's that wisp again!

blue wisp 2

But since there's no way to chase it, I go back to chest block hunting! There's supposed to be one hidden chest block in the starting area of Land's End...

I manage to get the chest block: a Red Essence, which keeps the target invincible for 3 turns in battle!

I toss out a Sleepy Bomb before saving here and moving on to other parts in Land's End...

Super Mario RPG - Part 57a: Mokura

Note: I managed to get to this battle in between parts 6 and 7 of my Land's End walkthrough.

With some luck and height, I touch the quick small blue wisp, which takes me to a battle with a monster that's...invisible, though it's there: a Formless!


Using Mario's Super Flame, we hit it!

The Formless then laughs:

mokura huh huh

It reveals itself to be a Mokura, a green cloud with a very creepy, unsettling grin...

It's vulnerable to physical attacks while in this form, but very resistant to spells and special attacks...

We get more XP (but no coins), and Bowser levels up to 15, and he learns a new move: Crusher!! I boost his magical stats...

Super Mario RPG - Part 57: Land's End (continued)

I continue searching for more hidden chests now...

On the way, I get a Bracer, which increases defense in battle on one target!

I end up jumping up into a steaming pit situated on the left cliff of the Sky Bridge...

...and warp into an underground cave!

I get into another battle with a Geckit, and Spinthra, along with a Kriffid, a brown version of an Artichoker!

The Kriffid doesn't like ice, but it has a solid defense!

Geno and Peach level up again! I boost Geno's health!

Peach also learns another spell: Mute! I boost her magical stats!

I jump on a stack of crates to reach the high chest block: another Frog Coin's in there!

Avoiding the monsters here, I manage to find another hidden chest block with another Frog Coin inside!

In the next area, I knock over a barrel...

Falling down to a lower part of the cavern, I hit another chest block, which has a mushroom...

...and a bounce pad taking us back into Kero Sewers!

Now I can reach that chest block that I couldn't get the last time I was here!

The chest block contains...a Cricket Jam!

After a long cut through Midas River, I make it back to Land's End and save here...

Oh my god, this was another long session to playthrough, and a chore to write down!

Here's the map I used for Land's End.