Super Mario RPG - Part 22: Finding Geno

Part 1 | Part 2

Now I can see why this place is called the Forest Maze...

There's so many buzzing Buzzers and spinning Amanitas about in this part of the forest! Arrows are also coming down from the sky...this Smithy gang member really doesn't want us to find him...

I end up getting lost, and am now back at the save block. Heading back again, I see Geno going right, but I get caught into another battle!

Eeee, the Sporocyst from the Amanita turned Mallow into a mushroom!

I try to follow Geno, but he's too quick for me to keep up!

I'm now back near the save block. I notice the stray Mushroom before the maze and pick it up!

On the third try in the maze, I quickly catch up to the fleeing Geno, and end up in front of log pipes, where someone named Bowyer's counting arrows...I almost misread his name as Bowser.

bowyer counting

Mallow notices that that's the person that's been shooting arrows at Rose Town...

So that's one of the Smithy Gang members, and he looks like a bow!

The arrows are his minions!

Mario and Mallow panic!

Mario decides to punch his way through, but Mallow stops him!

bruce lee

Mallow: "Who do you think you are, Bruce Lee!?" Lol.

But someone's coming...

Another arrow crony brings Bowyer a green Star Piece.

Bowyer talks like Yoda...

But someone yells in between their conversation...


It's Geno! He drops down from the treetops and tells Bowyer to give the Star Piece back to him!

Now it's battle time, with Geno vs. Bowyer!

Geno: "I serve... a higher authority...That Star Piece belongs to everyone. You can't keep it."

Angered, Bowyer now fires arrows at Geno...

Mario wants to help Geno. Mallow joins in too, but from a distance...

Mario and Mallow move, as arrows rain down on them!

Mallow: "I'm not afraid. And I'm NOT gonna cry!"

But Mallow slips and gets hit by a stray arrow!

Ooooohhhh! Geno hits Bowyer with a sucker punch!

Bowyer retreates, but not before giving Geno a parting arrow...which Mario blocks!

Mallow finally joins in, not happy that Mario left him!

Mallow's curious as to who Geno is...

Geno recognizes Mario, and says that he and others know about him!

Bowyer is not amused!