Illusion of Gaia - Part 75: Pyramid - East Passages

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Now for the east wing to clear, I have Will change back into the Ultimate Dark Warrior, Shadow, and we're off!

I send the Red Jewel on its merry way to the Jeweler and have Shadow sink into the Pyramid!

The first chamber we enter has a huge amount of security: 35 enemies!

six orbs

But we power through them and climb deeper into the Pyramid...

After taking care of the seven orbs, we come across a long downward ramp. It seems that this will be a one-way trip...

downward ramp

Whoo, we're flying!

We climb up the stairs, where we meet our first troop of mummies!

After taking care of the bandaged monsters, their bandages unwrap, revealing evil, glaring specters!

More stairs to climb, more mummies pull out from the walls!

There's two stairway tunnels going up, one on each end of the passage. Which one to take?

which stairway tunnel?

I head into the western stairway, where I'm faced with more mummies and security orbs!

And another fleet of the living dead greet me in the next passage!

The mummies continue to keep mummying, with their spear guards in tow!

In the next room downstairs, we face a quartet of invisible heads this time!

I backtrack all the way to the first tomb to the eastern stairway, where a mummy and a blue portal are!

Our prize for clearing the entire passage is another defense boost!

We float to the next passage...

Ignoring the staircase...

spiked ceiling

Yikes! Spikes!

Past the descending second spike ceiling, there's a small incline and a set of stairs heading down...

I have Shadow take to the first flight of stairs near the entrance and take care of the enemies beyond!

That’s a nice hieroglyph. It seems the short one at the end might be the pharoah...

hieroglyph painting

I am getting lost in this dungeon, the first time that's happened in in a while, I think.

Looks like it's Will turn to traverse this pyramid.

Shadow disappears in a swirl and sparkles of light...

Then I realize my mistake, and change back into Shadow to sink into the hub room below...

Run, Will, run!

will descend ramp

The spiked ceilings still look intimidating...

Ah, I get caught in them! Lucky it's not an insta-death right there!

But as soon as I Spin Dash, more spiked ceilings await our arrival!

At the end of the chamber, I notice there's a way east...

way east

I go downstairs instead, where we see a chest, and six mummies!

After taking care of them, we get our attack boost and get another Red Jewel from the chest!

I go back to the chamber of spikes...

Where did the remaining two security orbs on this ramp go?

orbs missing

I go eastward this time, where more spiked ceilings await!

This is the worst part of this dungeon!

As more security continue their attacks, I'm now stuck in between ramps!


I use up one of the herbs, since we're almost low on health, and send the Red Jewel away.

I take care of the orbs, and finally make it to the end of the hallway!

But I have Will carefully go back, and take care of the floating bird heads in one part of the room before proceeding...

I notice that whenever Will is performing a Spin Dash, the spikes don't touch him.


Should I stay or should I go forward?

I recover and save at the hub room before heading into that passage again...

After that nearly painful trek, we go inside the next room...

different litho

The lithograph is different here this time...

try to remove

Another Hieroglyph Stone to take...

Warping back to the entrance and into the hieroglyph room, the explorer's gone!

empty room

It seems we only managed to retrieve two of the six lithographs so far.

I reread Olman's journal to see the hieroglyphs again before placing the bird lithograph into the leftmost slot.

bird in

Looking at Olman's journal again, it matches the order of the lithograph we have so far.

The second plate we found fits the fourth hole...

six hollows

The plates still match whatever was written in the journal...

Now to get the remaining four tablets...

Rechecking the second west chamber...

sphinx wall

I have Shadow dissolve into the floor beneath the Sphinx hieroglyph...

third tablet

...and into a tunnel, where we find our third tablet!

Now for tablet number four inside the third west chamber...

This part I did not enter before...

floor switch

And there's more enemies to face too!

I press on the floor plate, moving the wall upward or downward to another part of the passage!

For every area where a floor plate is, a group of security enemies are.

It's a battle royale of security orbs and floating heads so far...

Plus, it takes awhile before our next passage approaches!

At the second to last part of the elevator hallway, we take care of a group of six orbs, and an attack boost is ours!

I check Shadow's stats before proceeding: he has 28 attack power now!

elevator wall

This elevator wall is taking too slow...

One flight of stairs and a tunnel later, we get our fourth hieroglyph tablet!

fourth plate

Here's what we have so far:

four tablets