Alundra - Part 85: Inside the Shrine (Part 10)

Let's see if I can get the last two barriers off now...

I'm trying to get back my sense of direction...

And I'm back at the Shrine!

I wander around the east wing and head to the attic and jump out of the window before heading to its clock tower...

Now how did I move the pillars out of the way before?

I reread my walkthrough from a few days ago, and cross onwards to the top.

The press switches actually slow down the small spiked balls' movements on the stairs.

There's no gap to jump off from the balcony, so I head all the way to the top of the west clock tower...hoo boy...

I sidetrack to the doorway at the base of the stairs leading to the clock tower to see if there's another way to the top...nope.

I head back and make my painful way to the big spiked ball dominating stairway.

Gargoyles and spiked balls!

There, I made it!

After exiting, I climb more stairs outside and use the right gap to jump down to the roof of the Shrine, and head into the attic room.

I leave the attic and jump off the roof and go up the clock tower again...

Crap, I'm almost out of health!

I make it to the top and jump down the east gap again, nothing new!

I equip the Recovery Ring to slowly regenerate my health and write the rest of this down.

I head into the attic and downstairs into the hallway to see if I've completed everything there...yes, I did.

I double back to the attic and head downstairs...

Against my better judgment, instead of going to the east wing, I head back to the west clock tower...

Ahhhh, these spiked balls and gargoyles!

There we go, the gargoyles are taken care of...

I fall down the gap to the right again!

Something's missing here...

I press the switch in the west attic, flipping the gate horizontally, blocking my way out to the roof.

The east wing may have some answers...